Saturday, October 14, 2006

Friday 13th October

Very misty with low wet cloud, but cleared a little whilst I was at the Peregrine Watch (10.30am). Birds very quiet, no raptors this morning. Unlucky Friday!

Thursday, October 12, 2006

Thursday 12th October

A Misty blue sky this morning when I arrived at the Peregrine Watch around 10.30am. The tide was high and just on the turn, a few ducks were exploring the river edges, the jackdaws were flying, often in pairs, and looked as if they were enjoying themselves. I saw an adult peregrine leave the cliff beneath me, and drop down in a big arc to land in a small bush, just below what I have heard called the 'banana tree'. I did not see him move from the bush for half and hour afterwards - despite waiting in hope!

Monday, October 09, 2006

Monday 9th October

I arrived at the peregrine watch just before the heavens opened - not as invigorating as Friday's wall of water. The tide was high, probably just on the turn, and most birds were hiding. A few gull's braved the rain storm.
If you come to this (says he hopefully) from my MySpace Blog, then contact me if you know a way to use the HTML "refresh" so that the redirect is immediate!
Concerning MySpace, take a look at the Silicon Newsletter Report about Murdock's activities.

Sunday, October 08, 2006

Sunday 8th October

A pair of mallards flew very fast down river, keeping very close together and just below the gorge rim. Jackdaws were chasing each other and pigeons flew rapidly across to Leigh Woods. I felt that there should be a peregine around - but could not see one. Off home about 10.30am, and then off to a Morris booking in Bitton.