Friday, June 27, 2008

20th June, 23rd - 27th June

Friday 20th. The first time for a long time that I did not stop at the Peregrine Watch.

The week (23rd-27th) has been dominated by the young Peregrines, anyone visiting the Peregrine Watch at the moment is almost certain to see one or more of them. They are everywhere and play like sky born kittens. One landed in the Jackdaw Tree to the consternation of the 'Daws, they perch all over the quarry opposite, often two in the top of the yew trees, on the 'feeding ledge', by and on the Raven's nest, and on the grass and trees on the Downs side. Sometimes they fly straight at us, coming sharply up over the cliff edge. From Sea Walls a small white front may be visible on their nest edge. Even on Friday 27th, with a nasty misty rain, two were chasing a parent (the female?) around, and could be heard calling ... kee, kee, kee. But where was the male and the other three youngsters? On Wednesday, when a couple of Ravens passed over they could be heard calling even louder.

So, are there still five of them? I think I could account for five birds earlier in the week, but it is difficult to say. The weather on the 27th was not good, cold and wet, and young birds need feeding regularly. Keeping track of them is difficult for the Watchers, for the parents it must be impossible. Now if they were ducks we might expect five in a line, escorted by their parents! Some hope!