Thursday, October 25, 2007

Tuesday to Thursday, October 23rd to 25th

On Tuesday and Wednesday I cycled out around midday (once the sun had appeared). I had brief glimpses of Peregrines on both days: one circling in the sun haze up the Gorge from the Watch, the other a brief chase of some Buzzards, down river and above Leigh Woods. There were at least five Buzzards, maybe six, and the Peregrine disappeared from view after a few minutes, that was Wednesday. With the low tide there are a large group of sea gulls on the mud, sometimes spread out, at others working their way down river in a flock of 100 or more. Today, Thursday I spotted one redshank(!), but the sky was so overcast I did not stop long.
My bird handbook describes a Jay as 'a small colourful crow', and a Magpie as a medium sized crow. Whilst I often see several magpies in a group - frequently in pairs - I don't ever remember seeing more than one Jay at a time. Today I saw two, but on different parts of the Downs, they are certainly less obvious than the many Magpies. The flight modes of the two birds are very distinct, both have a kind of rising flap of flight(!) followed by a glide downwards.

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