Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Wednesday October 3rd

The Gorge was shrouded in fog when I passed it for the first time on my morning ride, next time around it had cleared, but there were still some Will-O-The-Wisp bits of cloud on the trees of Leigh Woods. Not good weather for seeing any birds! I met up with Roger and Chris and we put the world to rights, the main subject being the Council's meeting on Monday (which I missed as I was in Sheffield) concerning setting up of a Downs Friends Group. Fine so long as it has some control over what actually happens to the Bristol Downs (unlikely), and can control some of the more mad excesses of some folks (possible but still unlikely, see). The paper on use of the Downs displays a lot of prejudices about cyclists! See. As a cyclist, teacher of school cycling proficiency (and holder of the Mayors Commendation for this), I object! Any Downs Group of this type should also include the Gorge in its ambit, the two regions are inseparably interdependent.

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