Sunday, March 09, 2008

Sunday 9th March

Both Ravens were visiting their nest, and the two Peregrines were perched over in the Oak tree, just a short distance apart. The Peregrines flew off over towards Bristol whilst I was watching, at around 9.50am. The tide was high (a spring tide), but just starting to recede, so no waders.
I have just read a fascinating article by Ed Drewitt and Nick Dixon (Diet and prey selection of urban-dwelling Peregrine Falcons in southwest England, E.J.Drewiit and N. Dixon, British Birds, February 2008, 101, 58-67) about the diet and prey of local and other SW Peregrines. An amazing variety of prey birds were identified over a period of nine years. Perhaps of greatest interest was the observation that the Peregrines are hunting at night, or at dusk and dawn. Despite seeing the Gorge Peregrines chasing the Abbots Leigh Wood Pigeons, and occasionally harrying the local Jackdaws, it looks as if these local birds (to the Peregrine cliff nest), are relatively safe!

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