Monday, April 28, 2008

Sunday, Monday, 27th, 28th April

On Sunday we watched the foxes in the bushes below the Peregrine Watch, their bright red coats are now very prominent amid the new green foliage, nearby beside the Portway are three Bristol Whitebeams are in their spring glory. In the quarry the three young Ravens perch on the side of their nest or disappear inside it into safety. We saw the male Peregrine below in the Gorge on a couple of occasions, then the Kestrel. On Monday a Buzzard soared above Sea Walls, and then flew on over towards Snyed Park; a Cormorant started circling high above, the same happened with another Cormorant (the same one?), but over above the Peregrine Watch. Another Cormorant flew low over the water up-river. Why do Cormorants circle like this? The male Peregrine took off from below us and flew high above us, it is likely that the female is on her eggs at the moment, since the Peregrine activity is a bit muted. A flock of teenage Herring Gulls was on the river; a lone swallow passed, and I watched a Heron fly past and could follow him with binoculars almost as far as the motorway bridge. Two beautiful bright mornings, though on Monday there was a cold westerly wind, the tide is in-coming, with a little more mud each day. Only the ducks at the river edges, no other waders.

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