Thursday, July 03, 2008

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, 30th June, 1st, 2nd July

On Monday a grey Heron was perched on a crate beside the storm outflow below Sea Walls, he was busy cleaning his feathers rather than fishing. Cormorants are very common, flying either low over the water, or high above the Gorge.
Opinion seems to be that there are now only three of the five young Peregrines still around; so what happened to the other two? The trio, and their parents, can be seen sitting on the tops of the trees and on the quarry face opposite the Peregrine Watch. They also fly around and (the youngsters) are starting to chase other birds, so no doubt we will see them honing these skills over the next few weeks. Even a few minutes at the Gorge should enable the siting of a Peregrine at present.

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