Friday, August 07, 2009

Friday August 7th

A group of travellers are camped on the grass below Sea Walls, eight horses and four round topped caravans. The horses have eaten large circles from the grass, it looks spectacular from the cliff top! Whilst I was watching a small red Hyundai car drew up; a large group of Crows, Rooks and Jackdaws with young and old Gulls gathered on the other side on the downland. They were not worried by several runners, just moving aside to let them through! They recognised the car, and its occupant, who was about to feed them. There were a number of cars parked, several others passed, but only this little red one attracted attention. Members of the Corvus family are an intelligent bunch, and they led the way for the Gulls. Several of the young gulls were going into 'feed me' postures while this was going on. The birds waited, I waited, the man waited! Eventually the man got out and the birds were rewarded with bread scraps.
The Peregrine watch was quiet, no Peregrines, but a Heron and a Cormorant flew down river, and towards Nightingale Valley a Buzzard came and settled in the top of a dead tree.

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