Wednesday, September 09, 2009

Monday 7th September

I'm a couple of days late filling this blog in. Cycling towards Sea Walls I passed a young Herring Gull, all fluffed up, and begging from a parent. It made squeaking noises, so at first I hear the sound, and thought that my bike needed oil somewhere. The young gull looked to be far to large to beg! There was a coach party beside Sea Walls when I returned on my second circuit of the Downs, a lot of older folk all gazing into the Gorge. No one looked skywards, if they had they might have spotted a buzzard slowly circling its way down river, a hundred feet or so above the cliff top. No Peregrines were visible.
The CONE project is back - it has been for about six months but I missed the start. See This version is running in Texas, and is now called CONE Welder. Try it, and learn about birds, mammals and invertibrates down in Texas.

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