Thursday, April 08, 2010

Wednesday, Thursday, April 7th, 8th

Two sunny days, it is still a little cold. The buds on the horse chestnut trees are coming greener each day, and there are buds on the whitebeams.
Wednesday: There was a very brief glimpse of a Kestrel as it flew by close under the Sea Walls cliff, a few Redshank on the mud and then a hunting Peregrine over towards the Suspension bridge.
Thursday: No Peregrines, the Raven was on its nest, there were well over 50 Redshank on the mud below Sea Walls, by far the largest number that I have seen. They are spread out all along the water edge and on the mud slopes. A set of tracks on the mud could be from a Deer, but I could not see any animal. By 11am in the morning they are all under cover, so maybe if I could get out at sunrise ...

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