Friday, August 31, 2007

Friday 31st August

The Ravens were on an old dead tree off Ladies Mile when I went past this morning, then when I got to the Peregrine Watch, there they were again, but scrabbling around their old nest! The Gorge 'Bovver Boys', rather boy and girl. A Peregrine was perched just above the banana tree, it stayed statue-like for the whole of my visit, only slight movements of its head and body gave away that it was not a piece of the rock face. I think this was probably the young male that I saw yesterday. At one stage he was just a few meters above those Ravens. Then the Ravens moved over to the Yew tree to the left, merging in with the blacker shade of the yew. Another Peregrine, this time an adult flew into the top of the banana tree where it was obscured from view, and stayed. Eventually he took off, dive bombing the Ravens as he passed, there was a flutter, but they did not move. A little later the Ravens took off and flew down towards the Suspension Bridge.

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