Friday, February 20, 2009

Friday 20th February

I should have guessed when I saw two Oyster Catchers on the mud just below Black Rocks Quarry that this would be an interesting morning! When I reached the Peregrine Watch I noticed, even before I was off my bike, two Peregrines in the oak opposite. They moved a little during my stay, but were otherwise stationary, the male, smaller and facing - a white light in the tree - the female - larger and showing us her gray back. Then the Sparrowhawk: passing so fast within a few meters of me that I wondered what it was, it raised the Jackdaws from their tree, and disappeared, all in a fraction of a second. Then a voice from behind me said "Did you see the Sparrowhawk?". Next a couple of Redshank flew low over the river. The numerous Gulls rose as one from the river edge, wheeled and landed on the mud again. What caused that? We then saw the two Ravens return to inspect their nest up on the cliff, they did not stop long, but will be back. The finale was to see a Cormorant fly low over the water and down river, but three other birds started to fish just below us. No sign of a catch though.

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