Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Tuesday 5th February

This morning's weather was a mixture of sunshine and showers, I just about managed to dodge the larger showers. Coming up to the Peregrine Watch along Circular Road a bird with half white wings flew over the road, at first I thought that it was a Magpie, on stopping I was amazed to see a Crow! I have not seen him before, though there was a Jackdaw with a lot of white feathers. The Crow has white wings from about his elbow joints, the rest is black so far as I could see. On the rest of the Downs a large flock of Black Headed Gulls were feeding on the grass, some are starting to loose their 'headphones' and gain their black caps.

The low tide brought the gulls and ducks out to the waters edge, I could see a few Redshank, and one came in to land immediately below Sea Walls just as I was watching a Curlew probing the mud. A very fine view of the Curlew indeed since he was close under the cliff on the mud.

Further on at the Peregrine Watch (I did not see the Crow on my second time past the Watch), I could see the two Peregrines over in the Oak tree, one with her grey back to me and partly hidden behind the tree branches, the other with (his, I think), white chest. He was above and slightly to the right of his mate. I did not stop too long as a raincloud came into view over Leigh Woods. By the time I got home it had caught up with me.

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