Friday, September 15, 2006

Friday 15th September

9.50 am at the Gorge. This was the first wet morning for many weeks; however there was only light rain with a wind coming down Ladies Mile from the east. No peregrines, but I did see a solitary cormorant flying up river. Otherwise there were the usual suspects: pigeons; jackdaws; some crows and rooks; seagulls of various sizes; several mallard on the river.

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Wednesday 13th September

10.00am at the gorge. The river was very rough with a wind from the Suspension Bridge. A peregrine, probably a female, came up suddenly above me, then swooped down towards the quarry on the other side. She disappeared into some bushes; maybe a kill? A few minutes later a number of small birds fled the quarry, and a little later she flew back to the cliff under the peregrine watch. Peregrines move fast, and often, the first I see is them as they appear from the camouflage of the trees opposite. The best place to view them as they come in to roost is up close to the cliff edge - near the 'Danger' sign.

Tuesday, September 12, 2006

12th September 2006

9.50am, another quiet day with a high tide, rather more wind on the river. The jackdaws were flying around, and roosting in their tree. No peregrines during my 20 minute stay.

11th September 2006

9.50 am The tide was very high and still coming in. The water was still, but the debris on the incoming tide had attracted four mallards who were busy dabbling about at the river edges. Apart from that - very quiet - certainly no peregrines, and few jackdaws or other birds.