Saturday, March 17, 2007

Saturday 17th March

St Patrick's Day! No stopping this morning, all I saw was a flock of starlings in a chestnut tree! The chestnuts are just showing signs of leaves.

Friday, March 16, 2007

Wednesday to Friday, 14-16 March

Three days older, 30 miles later!
On Wednesday the redshank were out underneath Sea Walls cliffs, a pair and a single bird. Then at the Peregrine Watch a couple of peregrines were circling over the river, they 'disappeared' as only peregrines can. The next I saw was a lone bird swoop into a tree in Leigh Woods just opposite. I could just make out his white front as he perched on a branch.
Thursday, four redshank were together on a little patch of rocks just below Sea Walls cliff, every now and then they fluttered to another place. Their red legs and white wing flashes make these fascinating little birds. I did not stop at the Peregrine Watch since I had to rush home to take Geraldine for a hair appointment.
Friday. A cormorant was perched on the water outflow, he was accompanied by a flotilla of ducks. Nothing else apart from a fine looking pair of lesser black backed gulls. The jackdaws were gathering small pieces of bark for their nests on the cliff.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Sunday 11th March

When I stopped at Sea Walls, first one, then another buzzard were circling high up, down river and towards Stoke Bishop. I think they were joined by a peregrine, at any rate a bird flew off to the north at speed, with peregrine-like flight. When I reached the Peregrine Watch there were buzzards to the north and to the south of us, probably three pairs in all. A fine view of one of them as it flew past at gorge-top level. A peregrine was flying high over towards the suspension bridge. The tree tops in Leigh Woods opposite were peppered with wood pigeons, probably keeping a low profile with so many raptors around! It was also high tide, at least there was no mud for any waders.