Friday, December 08, 2006

Friday 8th December

Just before Henleaze Junior School I spotted a heron, he came down somewhere behind the houses opposite the school entrance. Goldfish for breakfast, perhaps! By Downleaze there was a large group of black headed gulls on the grass. from the behaviour of the jackdaws above their tree, I think they have decided that spring in coming, thus it was very obvious that they were in pairs, this is particularly appealing when a large group are flying around. The effect is that the flock seems to be doubled up in the air in its movements. There were 40+ birds doing this manoeuvre.

The jackdaws may think that spring is around the corner, I felt that it was rather nippy this morning.

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Tuesday, Wednesday 5th, 6th December

On Tuesday I met up with a friend for a pint and a pork pie in the Merchants Arms, Cumberland Basin. Excellent! I cycled home via the peregrine watch, so was up there around 3pm, it was largely notable for the absence of any birdlife, on the grassland or over the Gorge. Even seagulls.
Wednesday was a quiet day (10.20am), mainly groups of gulls and crows on the grassland of the Downs. Curious to see one lone, young, herring gull amid a large group of crows!

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Monday 4th December

No ride this morning, we were in Sheffield for Joseph's birthday. However, we returned to a very wet Bristol in the afternoon, then in the evening I walked over to the Ramblers AGM for 7.30pm. As I passed the gardens in front of Redland High School I heard a bird singing, it was dark but the trees were lit up by the street lights and this amazing song filled the air. Was it a nightingale (they are usually in Africa at this time of year) ? Or a blackbird? I think it was the latter, either way it was beautiful. The song went on while I hurried off to the meeting.