Friday, July 17, 2009

Thursday 17th July

Whilst I don't mind being caught by the rain, I don't like starting out with it raining! So today (Friday) is not a good day for cycling for me. Yesterday's ride was unremarkable, with neither Kestrels nor Peregrines in view. A lone Cormorant flew down river, and low over the water, I saw another flying towards Bristol across Ladies Mile.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Monday 13th July

I set out in sunshine ... and finished in strong rain. From the Peregrine Watch I could see the rain coming over Dundry and wondered whether to go back through Redland or by the long route and St Ursula's'. I chose the latter. Wrong choice!
There was no sign of the young Kestrels on the Black Rock slabs, I had a careful look and waited (only) about ten minutes. From the top of Walcombe Slade there was no sign of any Kestrel. However cycling into the clearing above the fence I nearly ran over a minute vole. Kestrel food. No Peregrines either, so not a very interesting morning.