Thursday, April 26, 2007

Thursday 26th April

My 100th post, and since each represents 10 miles, 1000 miles of cycling! No sign of the redshank feeding on the mud at low water. Where do they go to? No sign of raptors this morning, though from the number of 'birders' armed with cameras and big lenses there must have been some activity. The young ravens are plain to see on their nest. I could not locate the peregrine nest looking from Sea Walls with binoculars.

From my 'photos from Neis Vran in Northern Brittany, how many different waders can you see in the picture below? After the birds leave, the sand is peppered with beak marks and scuffed up all over the place. Click on the image for an enlarged view:

Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Wednesday 25th April

Back from a wonderful week in north Brittany at Neis Vran. Lots of birds to see - I'll put some 'photo up via Picasa Web. The horsechesnuts on Saville Road are now in full flower, with new bright green leaves, and over in Leigh Woods there is new foliage on the oaks. I met Chris Jones - not my daughter's partner, but a local photographer who has taken some fine 'photos of the peregrines. See

Today's event was a buzzard who ventured too close to the peregrine nest on the cliff below, the peregrine flew out at speed, screaming at the buzzard (I assume!) to clear off. The buzzard obliged! The buzzard was next seen over the gorge descending into Leigh Woods, and shortly afterwards the peregrine returned to it's nest. The ravens did not appear, but the four youngsters can be seen quite well through glasses.