The world and their wives, girlfriends, dogs and all were out on the Downs this morning! Had some of them looked skywards they might have noticed four buzzards flying high, probably a thousand feet above the Gorge. Gulls and the rooks and crows were also higher up than usual. When I reached the peregrine watch (around 12.30 this morning), there was a peregrine flying first towards the Sea Walls valley, with a flash of blue as the sun caught her back feathers, then later high above me up the river. The next I saw of her was flying high and back across the Downs, where she disappeared. One of the buzzards accompanied her towards the valley, but did not re-appear.
The picture shows a buzzard over the Eden project - generated by a photo collage since in the original the buzzard was disappearing into the cloud at the bottom right hand corner of the enlarged inset image.
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