Thursday, February 15, 2007

Wednesday, Thursday 14th, 15th February

I run a cycling proficiency class at Bishop Road School on Wednesdays, the sunshine was intense after the last few dull days, so I cycled over to the Peregrine Watch after the class. First one, then another, then eventually four buzzards treated us to a beautiful soaring display. They were also mewing to each other. Very appropriate for Valentine's Day! They were a couple of hundred feet above the rim of the Gorge, with a low sun from across the Gorge, the sunshine caught their feathers showing greys and browns, and glistened red as they wheeled around above us. Spectacular!
Thursday, back to an early ride, nothing much to see: one cormorant flew low over the river downstream, it landed near the water outlet, but I could not see it with glasses. The mud was lined with black headed gulls, their black heads are getting more prominent with every day.

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