Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Monday, Tuesday 5th,6th November

Redshank on the mud (and there was a lot of it) below Sea Walls on both days. Monday was very dull but today, Tuesday was sunny and more interesting. A quintet - Heron, Black Backed Gull, Cormorant, Crow and Mallard were all within yards of each other beside the Storm drain outlet, with a number of other gulls and ducks in the river nearby. At one point the Cormorant adopted the 'Batman' pose with its wings out, so there must have been some food at the drain. At the Peregrine Watch, just as I was about to leave, a Peregrine appeared, circling in and out of the trees, and moving right until it landed to perch in the top of a birch tree at the top of the right hand quarry. The Gorge Peregrines seem to use this technique to flush other birds, mainly pigeons out, this time it drew a blank, and I did not wait to seem if it resumed the hunt.

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