Sunday, June 28, 2009

Sunday June 28th

I cycled through the town and down beside Harbourside to Cumberland Basin to see if I could find the nest that the young Kestrel fell from. No luck on the Create Center ledges, but I'm told they may be on the other old warehouse. There was a Buzzard flying above Ashton Court, a Cormorant passed me just below the Suspension Bridge, and below the Peregrine Watch I could see the grey back of a Peregrine perched on the cliff face. Along under Black Rock Quarry, amid several groups of climbers, a young Kestrel was perched on the cliff just outside the nest. I hope that some of the local Crows, or even Jackdaws don't pester it. There was no sign of any parents. The tide was coming in, carrying a few Black Headed and Herring Gulls up river with it. When I got to Sea Walls from Shirehampton the Matthew was making its stately passage down river - motor driven though! From the cliff top I could see one Kestrel youngster just below the nest, sitting with its tail out and face into the rock. The birders along by the Peregrine Watch had a 'scope trained on the Kestrels, and I'm informed there are four chicks.

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