Thursday, September 17, 2009

Wednesday 16th, Thursday 17th September

The Gorge looks very different in the afternoon, it is nearly impossible to see whether a Peregrine is over in the opposite quarry. However the Swifts were flying around at cliff-top level, and I did get a brief view of a Green Woodpecker as it disappeared into Leigh Woods.
Thursday was a bright blue day. A couple of Redshank were feeding on the mud above Sea Walls. Peregrines are difficult to see even in a good light. At the Peregrine Watch it was just possible to make out the very still form of a Peregrine in the banana tree, one of the birds was spotted heading towards the Suspension Bridge, then, as I cycled along the path beside Fairyland another was pointed out on the cliff face below. It was very difficult to see, and I missed spotting it at the Peregrine Watch, however it took off and flew across the Gorge, confirming that the slight shape on the cliff was a raptor.

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